This Medical-Grade Air Purifier Claims It’ll Turn Your Home Into a “Clean Air Sanctuary.”
But let’s be honest—it’s these types of vague promises that we’ve come to associate with great marketing, not necessarily great products. And yet… the thousands of reviews on Sans rave about its effectiveness. It has a 4.9 out of 5-star rating, with 98% of purchasers saying they’d recommend it.
But we’re skeptical that Sans has racked up this praise and made its way onto the pages of Forbes & Architectural Digest because of “clean air.” (Despite how nice “turning your home into a clean-air sanctuary” sounds, we knew there had to be some more concrete evidence.) So we dug into the research and the science to learn why (or if) an air purifier like Sans is worth buying.
To make a long story short, it is. Sans’ providing “clean air” really means eliminating 99.97% of particles in the air, absorbing chemicals, odors, and gases, and sucking up the dust and pet hair floating around down to 0.1 microns in size.
The Fact Check: Research Behind Sans’ Technology
The star of the Sans Air Purifier show is its medical-grade, HEPA-13 filter. A study from the National Institute of Health found that HEPA filters “significantly reduce the indoor PM2.5 level,” which is a fancy way of saying they’re legit at catching the particles in the air 2.5 microns and below. (For reference, a human hair is 50-70 microns in diameter.)

But Sans doesn’t just rely on HEPA. They put an entire pound of activated carbon in their filters to address the volatile organic compounds (VOCs), like formaldehyde, in the air. And the research backs this up. A U.S. Department of Energy-commissioned study found that activated carbon filters can remove up to 80% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air. (On top of that, Sans even added an internal UV light for ultimate protection.)
Sans’ device is no fluke—this is a well-oiled machine that can capture virtually all airborne allergens (like pollen or mold spores), bacteria, viruses, and smoke in 1560 sq. ft. of space in a single hour. Maybe “clean air sanctuary” is an apt term after all.
3 Things That Happen When Sans Is Running
It turns out that not having your home turned into a “clean air sanctuary” can actually have some adverse effects on your health. According to the World Health Organization, household air pollution in 2019 was responsible for an estimated 86 million healthy life years lost.

But with Sans running 24/7 like a fort of safety, you don’t have to worry about that. Here’s what is happening:
- 99.97% of particles in spaces up to 1560 sq. ft. are trapped in a medical-grade matrix of filter layers every hour. That means dust mites, pollen, mold spores, viruses, bacteria, allergens, and more are sucked out of the air by your air purifier instead of your lungs.
- Odors and stale scents are neutralized with the pound of activated carbon in the Sans air filters. That coconut curry smell lingering after last night’s dinner? Not anymore. Kitty litter scaring your guests away? Not with Sans. Husband forgot to take the trash out last night? Still won’t smell.
- Pet hair and dander are captured and cleaned so your mother-in-law doesn’t have an excuse to chide you for getting that dog.
Bonuses: Sans Comes With Some More Bells & Whistles
For $469 $369, the Sans Air Purifier is a meditation-level quiet machine with a chic & modern aesthetic. Just because it’s medical-grade doesn’t mean it looks like it should be in a hospital.

Here are some bonus features that further make Sans stand out:
- Night mode: Sans runs at just 30dB, the quietest in its class. It also comes with a feature called “Night mode” that turns off the LED status light and makes it virtually imperceptible while you get that much-needed rest.
- SmartPure: Sans comes with precise sensors and a digital display to monitor your air quality and show your AQI (Air Quality Index) in real time. It doesn’t just walk the walk, it shows you the steps.
- Clean Air Club: With the classic convenience and ease of a lovely DTC brand, Sans offers a filter subscription for a 10% discount and free shipping so you never have to worry about replacements.
“Clean” Air Really Means Safe Air (and a Safe Home). No Wonder Sans Is So Popular
The research has spoken: ”clean” air isn’t just some marketing term used to sell glorified fans. (When it’s used by Sans, at least.) There are plenty of real-life reasons to use this medical-grade, power-packed, at-home air purifier for your home.
It’s worth noting that on top of coming with a five-year warranty, Sans Air Purifiers include a 30-day home trial with free shipping and free returns, so you can try the unit out for yourself before committing to anything and breathe this “clean air” for yourself.

Breathe Clean Air at Home.
The Sans Air Purifier isn't make believe... it makes a difference. Try this simple solution out for a cleaner, healthier home.